A little while ago, remote work was considered a benefit available only in exceptional situations. The realities, however, have changed dramatically, and work outside the company’s premises has grown in popularity.

In 2021, BNP Paribas Real Estate in cooperation with e.g. HAYS Poland has published the report „How R U CEE?”. The research focused mainly on the real estate market, but there is also data related to remote and hybrid work. No wonder, as this topic now affects many companies around the world.

Research conducted among Polish employees has shown that remote work brings many benefits for them, e.g., time savings associated with commuting to the office (76%), a sense of security (49%), or an increase in efficiency (49%). However, each coin has two sides. Employees also notice the disadvantages of performing daily tasks remotely, such as the lack of daily interactions with colleagues (46%) or a reduction in the efficiency of data exchange between team members (21%).

Therefore, the best solution seems to be a hybrid work, which combines the performance of duties in the office and outside its walls. The respondents seem to be of a similar opinion – as many as 80% would like to work in a hybrid model after the end of the pandemic.

Employers cannot remain indifferent to these voices. Therefore, more and more companies plan to adapt their activities to work in a hybrid model. An example may be the implementation of Workflow class systems that enable the planning of work.

Applying for the work from the office with Plus Workflow

Many companies, as part of the implementation of a hybrid work model, decide on the so-called hot desking. This is related to the provision of job stations that are not assigned to one employee. A person who wants to perform duties from the company’s headquarters is obliged to ‘book’ a selected job station for a given day.

The Suncode company has introduced a new solution which is applying for the work from the office. The process is simple and intuitive, and most importantly, it takes only a few clicks to complete!

Initially, the system administrator defines the zones of the office’s desks available to employees. If the company has a car park, parking spaces are also defined.

As a result, an employee who wants to perform duties from the office can create an application in the Plus Workflow system. The employee is obliged to fill in the table with the following data: date, desk, parking space. To facilitate the process, in the task form, there is a document that presents available workstations.

After completing the form, the employee confirms the application, which is automatically sent to the supervisor for approval. The manager accepts or rejects the application.

Information about the application processing returns to the employee. It is ready! Now you can easily come to the office, sit at the selected position and perform your duties from the company’s headquarters.

Would you like to learn more about applying for work from the office? Or maybe you are interested in other possibilities offered by the Plus Workflow system? Do not hesitate and write to us today at sales@suncode.pl