Aasa Polska is a financial company, which specializes in granting installment loans. The company originates from Scandinavia. It granted its first loan in 2010 in Finland, and other ones in Sweden and the Czech Republic. The company has strengthened its position in the Polish market since 2012. The Aasa company cooperates with the Erif and Infomonitor offices and is a member of the Association of Financial Companies in Poland.

The BPM system implementation enabled the company to use the Plus Workflow system to approve and settle invoices, generate invoice metrics, and settle documents related to business trips. The BPM platform has also been fully integrated with the Symfonia accounting system. The Plus Workflow queries the financial and accounting system and generates a metric.

Thanks to the use of Plus Workflow, all accounting documents are stored in one place – safely and without additional costs, which normally should be spent on traditional archives and paper documentation. An authorized user may find a required document, by the search option available in the system, swiftly and effortlessly. The most important benefit is the automation of the accounting process. A given document is sent automatically to the appropriate stages in a process, to the right people responsible for its registration, description, and approval.

All the functionalities were offered in the SaaS model (software as a service). The SaaS model is a perfect solution for all companies, regardless of their size or resources. Even a customer whose company does not have its own servers may implement this solution. The system is installed on Suncode servers located in a secure data center. These are, among others, significant savings resulting from the lack of the need to invest in hardware and software, no server maintenance costs, the security of data stored on Suncode servers, or access to the system from the level of a web browser at any time. Thanks to this option, the implementation costs bring visible savings for an enterprise. If you are interested in the Plus Workflow solution, please contact us: +48 661 071 068, +48 667 101 722, +48 (61) 8200-449, sales@suncode.pl.