About the training

The training in business process modeling of the Plus Workflow system lasts a total of 4 business days.

  • Day 1. (4. June 2024) – Introduction and preliminary issues;
  • Day 2. (5. May 2024) – Process modeling;
  • Days 3 & 4. (11. + 12. June 2024) – Training process (modeling the invoice process).

Business process modeling training is dedicated to technical and business administrators of the Plus Workflow system responsible for launching new document workflows.

As part of the training, users will become familiar with the application for creating a process map, which is read by the Plus Workflow system, as well as the principles of map building and system configuration that allow for the reflection of any process in the Plus Workflow system.

Sign up for the event

Would you like to take business process modelling training so you can modify and run it yourself? Call us or fill in the contact form.