Mistakes are a natural part of human life, including the professional one. As we can read in the publication Obciążenie wynikające z presji czasu – ocena i profilaktyka , written by Joanna Kaminska and Andrzej Najmiec, the factors affecting both the physical and mental workload of an employee are work under time pressure and, related to it, the routine nature of work. Such conditions cause problems related to keeping focus, which translates into an increased risk of making mistakes. What’s more, according to the results of the research , about the organization and distribution of work in 2019, published by the Central Statistical Office, in Poland only 16.5% of employees do not feel stress, related to time pressure in the workplace.

Wanting to improve employee comfort, employers can take efforts to reduce the occupational stress. Especially since, by law, they are responsible for the errors of their employees and the damage they cause. According to the report of the 6th European Working Conditions Survey published in 2017 by Eurofound, the main determinants of the pace of work are primarily the direct demands of customers (68%), production and productivity targets (42%), the pace of work of co-workers (39%), or direct control from the supervisor (35%). Of course, the employer has no impact on all the mentioned factors, but most of them can be smoothly controlled by implementing an appropriate Workflow-class business process management solution.

In the following part of the article, we will show how the introduction of an electronic document workflow into the enterprise, contributes to the reduction of stress and monotony of work, and consequently minimizes the risk of errors and increases the efficiency of the company.

Plus Workflow as a tool for increasing an employee comfort

It is virtually impossible to completely eliminate human error in a company. It should be remembered that mistakes are part of the learning process, but even the most experienced employee can run out of luck. However, it is possible to eliminate at least some of the activities which generate the most errors. The intensive development of digitization, taking place in recent years, allows today’s companies to automate many processes that previously required the intervention of an employee. Our proprietary Plus Workflow system, in addition to the basic functionalities, offers many modules that streamline work in any enterprise – regardless of its industry or size.

Functionalities of the Plus Workflow system contributing to the minimization of human error in the company:

  • Delegation of tasks in steps from user – to user, limiting third-party access to sensitive data;
  • Automatic backup;
  • Electronic archive;
  • Discrepancy alerts – i.e., company budget overruns during request submission;
  • Automatic data entry into the task form thanks to the OCR mechanism – i.e., contractor data from an invoice;
  • The module, allowing to restart an already completed process to apply changes or corrections – Plus Restore;
  • The module allowing administrators to schedule automatically run processes or accept tasks – Plus ScheduledTask.

As a result, the company will gain many benefits, such as:

  • Relieving the employee from current tasks that require entering repetitive data on their own;
  • Automating processes and eliminating inefficient activities;
  • Increasing control over outsourced tasks;
  • Organizing and segregating documents;
  • Improved information flow;
  • Full security of stored information;
  • Minimization of time pressure.

In summary, there are many factors that increase the risk of error in the enterprise. However, it is possible to minimize those due to human fallibility. The Plus Workflow system will help your employees reduce occupational stress by reducing the time required to perform their job duties, reduce the work routine as a result of automating processes that previously required human involvement, and directly contribute to increasing your company’s profits.

If you are interested in the above article, contact our consultants today by writing to sales@suncode.pl

[1] Kamińska, J., A. Najmiec. Obciążenie wynikające z presji czasu-ocena i profilaktyka. Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy-Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, 2016.

[2] Eurofound, Wilczynska, A., Cabrita, J., Parent-Thirion, A. et al., 6th European working conditions survey – 2017 update, Publications Office, 2017, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2806/422172