Issuing, approving and archiving cost documents in a company is one of the most labor-intensive processes. Electronic invoice circulation not only shortens the time of individual activities, but also makes work more efficient. This is a solution that significantly reduces financial outlays on maintaining the payroll department or employing additional employees, as well as allows you to control the costs associated with placing orders, requisitions and payments. Entrepreneurs who decide to implement a BPM system through us, which guarantees automation also in the electronic circulation of invoices, can take advantage of many practical functions that we have created. The proposed Plus Workflow platform improves business processes in this area through their automation and optimization at every stage of the invoice process. This is a modern solution, worth recommending to companies operating in various industries and sectors. If you are looking for a way to modernize your company, consider digitizing it with our electronic invoice circulation tool.

Electronic invoice circulation – what are the benefits?

Let’s move on to the real benefits that can be obtained by a company that replaces the traditional circulation of paper invoices with an automated version. The most important advantages of this solution include:

  • reducing the amount of paper waste, i.e. caring for environmental resources and managing them wisely,
  • ability to remotely control processes and access to invoices from anywhere in the world,
  • the best protection of documents against destruction or loss,
  • standardized file naming, which facilitates their subsequent search in the system,
  • archiving and making backup copies,
  • full control over payment deadlines, no risk of delays,
  • minimized risk of errors at the stage of filling in invoices or storing them.

Many departments use electronic invoice circulation in their daily work, seeing tangible benefits that the entire company feels. For clients, the first priority is often the security of confidential data that takes part in the process and is later archived. Thanks to our experience and professionalism, our partners trusted us and entrusted us with the implementation of the BPM system in their enterprise.

Functionalities of the program for electronic invoice circulation

Our system has many practical functionalities that facilitate the management of invoice circulation. Through the Plus Workflow platform you can:

  • submit purchase requests,
  • plan and control the budget so as not to generate a deficit,
  • handle prepayments,
  • accept, decree and archive invoices,
  • streamline orders placed with suppliers,
  • put cost invoices into circulation,
  • budget and control orders from various departments,
  • budget and control orders from various departments,

As you can see, our solutions are used to optimize and automate the process, which covers all stages of invoice circulation – from submitting a purchase application to sending the invoice and archiving it. And all this with the risk of any errors that could delay the payment process reduced to a minimum.

Please see the product category at:

Document management

Business process optimization and invoice circulation

It can definitely be said that electronic invoice circulation is often the first step towards optimizing business processes. Documents are registered immediately after scanning and sending them to the database or are sent automatically to the Plus Workflow system directly from the indicated e-mail box. You decide who has permission to place data in the system and read it. For even more efficient service, information from documents is read and completed automatically, thanks to OCR technology. After handling them, they are transferred to the appropriate department, which deals with description and then acceptance invoices. Circuit paper cost documents cannot be compared to electronic ones in terms of speed, intuitiveness and transparency.

Entrust us with implementing changes in your company through digitization. Plus Workflow will allow you to maximize the potential and integrate the system with office devices. Daily work with documents will become much faster, and the risk of mistakes will reduce to almost zero. No deficits, no delays in payments, but also no need to maintain an extensive human resources department are other advantages of this solution. Now, thanks to Suncode, it is within your reach. Contact us so that we can offer you the optimal variant of this revolutionary system.


Plus Workflow - electronic document circulation system